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The State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom is a multidisciplinary holding that combines assets in energy, mechanical engineering, and construction. Its strategy is to develop low-carbon energy generation, including through the use of wind power. The Rosatom State Corporation is a national leader in producing electricity (around 20% of all production) and is the global leader in terms of its portfolio of orders for the construction of nuclear power plants; 33 power units in 10 countries are at various stages of implementation.
Rosatom is the only company in the world whose scope includes all stages of the technological chain of the nuclear fuel cycle, from extracting natural uranium to the final stage of the life cycle of nuclear facilities. The state corporation brings together over 350 enterprises and organizations, with over 330,000 employees. Since October 2020, Rosatom State Corporation has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact, the largest international initiative of the United Nations for business in corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.
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