Automatic creation of job openings
Using Skillaz, the users accelerated working with published job openings. Two pipelines were created: for professional and mass recruitment.
Now, the user at the application status “Sent to work” has the opportunity to correlate the application with the existing job opening or create a new one. Also, if it is necessary to create a new job opening, the user checks the check box “Create a new job opening?” and when the application moves to the status “Employed”, a new job opening is formed automatically with inheritance of the following fields:
● Job opening title.
● Profile.
● Pipeline.
● City.
● Hidden search.
Additionally, a feedback form for the candidate is used. When a candidate is sent for an interview, the feedback form is opened for assigned parameters, where all the evaluation participants can leave their comments and final decision. This allows the recruiter to save information in one place and use it if they decided to return to the candidate later.